Just a collection of e-mails written to the White House requesting an end to Obama's shitty little war in Afghanistan
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Dear Mr. President
If Mr Boehner is walking away from your offer you need to pull it from the table. You, yourself, said you gave a way too much. Now you can rescind it and come back with an offer that doesn't harm SSI, Medicare and middle class tax payers, i.e. Without that awful chained CPI. In this holiday season it is what a true Christian would do.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Dear Mr President
Why are you trying to destroy Social Security? The chained CPI is an evil idea wrapped in pretty paper that helps no one but the Republicans who have been trying to destroy Social Security since FDR. And now, when they find themselves in a position with no way out, you want to give them a prize in return for nothing that you won't get if you tell Speaker Boehner to bugger off.
If we had any real need to cut the deficit, where are the huge defense cuts? Where are the cuts to Big Oil & Pharma subsidies? Where are the cuts to all manner of unnecessary corporate welfare?
Where is the man we thought we re-elected to the White House? The man who won't balance his budget on the backs of those least able to support it?
Monday, December 17, 2012
Dear Mr President
Well, there you go again, talking about shafting seniors with this Chained CPI. Seniors and working people have paid into Social Security and Medicare all their working lives. Why do you rich people want to steal what small benefits they get for their life's work while you fail to end huge Oil Co. subsidies and fail to tax Wall St transactions to fix our economic woes?
Mr. President, you were hired by the voters to heal the economy not to steal from the workers.
John Boehner can give you nothing you won't get for free if there is no deal at the end of the year. Don't give away our lives to make yourself look good.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Dear Mr President
Just a reminder that you don't need to make a bad deal, no deal is so much better than a bad one. There are millions of Americans who don't have your wealth and comfortable future ahead of us. We voted for you to protect us from those malefactors of great wealth who feel the need to steal the vary last can of Who Hash from us. The choice is yours to go down in history as a great man or one despised for the needless hardships he imposed upon those who supported and voted for him.
The choice is yours Mr President.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Dear Mr President
There are more and more rumors that you will ignore the millions of people who voted for you and work with the GOP to steal the benefits of Social Security and Medicare to appease those who are already comfortable. The idea that you and other rich people will steal those monies paid in by people all their working lives, people who do not have your pension and Cadillac health plan, is reprehensible. All the $Billions you need can be cut from the Dept of Defense with no injury to our security. Indeed it would help you eliminate some of the wasteful buffoons that leech our national treasure into their pockets.
Please make a declarative statement that you will not steal from the poor to aid the rich.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Dear Mr. President
Just a reminder that you were not re-elected to damage or reduce Social Security or Medicare in any way. You were re-elected to crush the Republican/Teabaggers and restore American greatness. And to bring every American home from Afghanistan as soon as possible. Afghanistan is a shitty place for an Imperial outpost.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Dear Mr President
Please just let the Bush tax cuts and that stupid payroll tax holiday expire. The cost of any deal or damnable "grand bargain" will be too high for this country to bear. It is so much easier just to maneuver the GOP into a losing position no matter what they do. We prospered nicely under the Clinton tax rates, we can do so again if you don't give away our future.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Dear Mr. President
Please take Social Security & Medicare off the table in any negotiations with the evil doers. If anything you need to increase the benefits of both programs. You will never need those programs but for millions of people who voted FOR you, it will be all they have. And it is a good way to prove you are really a Christian.
Also, give Eric Holder a kick in the butt and get him to prosecute Joe Arpaio in Arizona with the same zeal he applies to marijuana.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Dear Mr. President
On this day when we also observe Veterans Day what better way to honor our veterans than by calling for an accelerated pull out of Afghanistan. Our prolonged stay there only insures further waste of lives and treasure for no result. Your on your own these next four years, time to act like a man.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Dear Mr. President
April 22, 2012
Now that the Americans United for Separation of Church and State have filed a complaint with the IRS regarding the grossly political remarks of Bishop Jenky, I hope someone in your office will be smart enough to insure a complete IRS follow up. The pulpit is tax exempt because it refrains from politics. If someone wants to turn it into a political stump, revoke their tax exempt status and make them pay for it like the rest of us. Their tax dollars would sure help with the deficit.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Dear Mr. President
March 27, 2012
Yesterday it was two British soldiers killed by a "friendly" Afghan. Today it is an American soldier. How many more do you want to die before you get us out of that failed mission.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Dear Mr President
March 18, 2012,
Whatever you may have thought was possible in Afghanistan crumbled into dust last Sunday in the Massacre. Now is the time for you to declare an immediate end to this disaster started by the Republicans.
Afghanistan is just another Vietnam and until the generals and chickenshit civilians realize that, incidents like the Massacre will become more and more frequent. Anyone who tells you different is a fool or a liar and you don't need either advising you.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Dear Mr President
March 15, 2012
The war in Afghanistan is over and we lost. Any one who counsels you to stay a day longer than necessary is either a liar or a fool and you can not afford to listen to them in an election year.
Begin the withdrawal of our troops now. Do it as fast as safely possible because every day you delay just gets someone killed who would not need to die if you were a real leader.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Dear Mr. President
March 11, 2012
Congratulations! Your determination not to be swayed from our ill conceived and undefined mission in Afghanistan has resulted in 16 more dead Afghans and the destruction of an American soldiers life. And you know it is all an unholy waste. When will you be man enough to end it?
Monday, March 5, 2012
Dear Mr. President
March 5, 2012
You had the decency to call Sandra Fluke after the vicious attack on her by Rush Limbaugh. There is one more step that needs to be taken.
As Commander in Chief it is within your purview to order the Armed Forces Network to sever all ties with that pig Limbaugh. You owe it to all the hardworking servicemen and especially the servicewomen to eliminate this source of misogynistic garbage from their already difficult lives. And if you won't do it for the troops, at least consider doing it for your own daughters.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Dear Mr. President
February 24, 2012
Ten years on and our military has not yet figured out that we shouldn't burn a Koran. It gets the natives all worked up. You did right by expressing regrets but they are still worked up.
It is unequivocally time to get out of Afghanistan. We gain nothing by staying, we only lose more lives and money that we need at home. End the travesty now, sir!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Dear Mr President
February 7, 2012
NO MORE COMPROMISE on birth control. The church insistence on abusing their employees is a dire violation of my religious principles. Your position does not require anybody to violate what they truly believe. It does require their various institutions that receive public money & benefits treat their employees like adults.
In this election year, please stop acting like a craven coward. Tell the Republicans to stuff it! And tell those baby raping bishops to remember they are in America and not some third world theocracy.
For America's sake sir, be a man.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Dear Mr. President
February 6, 2012
I am confused. On the one hand you are tightening sanctions on Iran when they are not the threat to the region that our supposed friends in Israel. Iran is only a theocracy, Israel is a theocratic kleptocracy that obeys no laws and really does have nuclear weapons.
And speaking of sanctions, why are you so eager to loosen sanctions on the main prepetrators of the massive real estate fraud that so damaged our country and still drags down the economy because there has been no real accountability.
So I guess my confusion is because I can not understand why, in an election year, you have such important things ass backwards. Please Sir, straighten up and fly right.
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